SRO: What inspirations helped you design and create the shoot for ‘Elephant’?
Alma: After meeting with Ben in NY, I went to Israel and stayed in my mother’s house for 2 weeks; I listened to the song late at night and dreamt what it would look like. I knew it would have a dance scene, but that the dancers would be tipsy and a little drunk— it’s that feeling at the end of the night when you feel you have a lot in common with everybody who’s in the room, whether you know them or not. Then Zach and I spoke on the phone about it and I asked him: “Zach, who is singing the song?” and he said - “a safari hunter”. That’s how it started.
It went through a few changes— In the beginning I wanted to shoot in a bar; then I decided on the space covered with old maps of the world, and I really got a handle on how I wanted it to look. The color palette was all coming from that and from Mucha paintings.
This was great, because I was just about to do a post on Alphonse Mucha. I even had this website about him open on my desktop as I read this interview. So I guess it's no wonder I was feeling the Elephant Gun video so much.
I'm typically a fan of art nouveau - and man, he's just the bee's kness. A classic! Offical website here.
I also really love this idea of decorating the walls with old maps. I hate modern maps, though. Maybe I should start collecting old maps and one day decorate my house like the Elephant Gun video...
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
[b]Necesitas ganar dinero y no sabes que hacer[/b]
Hemos encontrado la mejor guia en internet de como trabajar en casa. Como fue de utilidad a nosotros, tambien les puede ser de utilidad a ustedes. No son unicamente formas de ganar dinero con su pagina web, hay todo tipo de formas para ganar dinero en internet...
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